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Couverture de Maximum Influence

Maximum Influence

De : Kurt Mortensen
Lu par : Timothy Pabon
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    How would you like to be able to read anyone instantly? Get people to trust you instinctively? Change minds easily? Convince anyone to give you almost anything? The secret lies in the 12 Laws of Persuasion.

    These “powers” are not unobtainable Jedi mind tricks but are actual skills that everyday people can discover and develop within themselves--today! Author and leading authority on persuasion, motivation, and influence Kurt Mortenson has studied the traits, habits, and mindsets of master influencers for over 20 years and has formed what the calls the 12 Laws of Persuasion, which anyone can master and put to work for themselves.

    These laws include:

    • The law of dissonance
    • The law of contract
    • The law of expectation
    • The law of esteem
    • The law of obligation

    In Maximum Influence, you will learn why each law works, how to use each one, and what to avoid in carrying it out.

    Complete with new case studies and cutting-edge influencing techniques, this invaluable, must-have resource provides the keys to mastering the crucial tool anyone must develop and utilize to find success and prosperity--influence!

    ©2013 Kurt W. Mortensen (P)2022 Thomas Nelson

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