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  • Masters of Horror

  • Dracula and Frankenstein Told to New Generations: Everything You Need to Know About Two of the Most Amazing Gothic Stories of All Time in Less Than 2 Hours
  • De : J.P. Silver
  • Lu par : Paul Casselle
  • Durée : 2 h et 19 min

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Masters of Horror

De : J.P. Silver
Lu par : Paul Casselle
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    The new generations are so overwhelmed by new content, that they often do not have the time to appreciate the good old classics. Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula, is a classic piece of literature. If you were to ask people what comes to mind when they think about vampires, most would be quick to reference Count Dracula or Stoker, his creator. Count Dracula has become an iconic figure in popular culture, and his name is now synonymous with vampire lore, having fully sunk his teeth into the horror genre. 

    While most people have heard of Dracula and watched (or read) one of the many adaptations of his story that came to be over the last century, many have yet to listen to the original story by Stoker, and discover the intricacies that make it one of the most celebrated horror novels of all time. Steeped in mystery and bone-chilling descriptions, characters, and atmosphere, Dracula has provided the blueprints for vampiric content in the decades since it was first published as I Am Dracula in 1897.

    Frankenstein is a novel that is considered both one of the first science fiction novels and a timeless classic of the horror genre. It has terrified and entertained readers for decades. It is more than just a story about the creation of a monster. Mary Shelley gave readers not only a novel that has inspired great minds to create monsters of their own, but also opened up an endless debate regarding who the real monster is. 

    Inspiring many different television series, films, adaptations, books, Halloween costumes, and tales told in the dark, Frankenstein has become synonymous with the word "monster" for most people. Contrary to depictions in popular culture, there is no assistant named Igor, there is no mad cry of “It’s alive!”, and the monster is more than just a bumbling brute. To understand how we got to where we are today in terms of monster and science fiction content, it is helpful to go back to one of the classics. 

    Discover who Frankestein’s monster was, why Victor Frankenstein pursued the reanimation of the dead, and how a group aboard a ship on an Arctic expedition cross paths with Frankenstein and uncover the mysteries surrounding the power to create life, and why the blind pursuit of such things is more dangerous than we could ever imagine. This novel that offers listeners a cautionary tale, brings to life a creature that otherwise would never have existed, and presents themes that remain as relevant today as they were in 1818. This book is offering a vivid retake of both stories in a modern language to speak to the young generation, without disappointing the older ones.

    ©2021 Dandelion Books Ltd (P)2021 Dandelion Books Ltd

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