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  • Mastering Artificial Intelligence: A Non-Nerd’s Guide to Incorporating AI Basics into Modern Life

  • Embracing Artificial Intelligence
  • De : Kris Ball
  • Lu par : Tyler Christos
  • Durée : 4 h et 29 min

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Mastering Artificial Intelligence: A Non-Nerd’s Guide to Incorporating AI Basics into Modern Life

De : Kris Ball
Lu par : Tyler Christos
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    Are you ready to master the future? In today's world, artificial intelligence isn't just science fiction anymore; it's the key to transforming your reality. Are you feeling the pressure to stay ahead in the AI revolution? Don't let anxiety and unease about AI govern your destiny. Take control and keep listening.

    In this groundbreaking sequel to "Tomorrow's Artificial Intelligence," we plunge headfirst into the realm of AI and its boundless potential across every facet of modern life. From communication to health, productivity to entertainment, discover almost 200 AI tools from global innovators.

    Created for the non-nerd, this audiobook is your all-encompassing instruction manual for understanding AI from its basic terminology to its practical implementation. Say goodbye to feeling out of your depth and hello to newfound confidence as you explore:

    • How AI is rewriting the rules for industries and job markets.
    • Beyond ChatGPT: hundreds of other companies and products that use AI.
    • How to seamlessly incorporate AI into your career, passions, and day-to-day life.
    • The intersection of AI with the Internet of Things (and what is the IoT?!?).
    • Ways to harness AI for personal growth and professional success.
    • Unleash AI's potential in unconventional areas like blogging, spirituality, sports betting and weight loss.
    • Whether you want to jumpstart your love life or travel with your personal AI tour guide to Portugal, explore how AI can assist you in more ways than ever imagined!

    As an AI enthusiast and dedicated researcher, I've meticulously compiled the essential tools and expertise to guide you through the necessary steps for mastering artificial intelligence.
    Don't let the future pass you by. Join the revolution and unlock the full potential of AI. Mastering Artificial Intelligence will equip you with the knowledge to navigate this brave new world.

    ©2024 Kristine Dittman (P)2024 Kristine Dittman

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