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  • Master Your Emotions

  • Manage Your Emotions and Emotional Stress to Overcome Anxiety. Learn the Effective Anger Management Techniques. Improve Your Emotional Intelligence and Your Self-Esteem. (Change Your Brain)
  • De : William Mind
  • Lu par : Duane DeSalvo
  • Durée : 3 h et 4 min

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Master Your Emotions

De : William Mind
Lu par : Duane DeSalvo
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    If you continue to do only what you feel like doing, then you will never truly change the way that you are feeling. Emotions can be raw. Powerful. So powerful that they, sometimes, feel too powerful for us. We don’t think we have enough strength to learn to control them, therefore, we let emotions dictate our actions.

    Why do we feel the way that we do? What’s triggering these emotions? Are the external circumstances we face dictating the way we feel? Or, are we responsible for creating these emotions in our minds?

    Master Your Emotions will walk you through every step of the process as you develop a greater insight and understanding into the most fundamental part of who we are as human beings.

    In this audiobook, you'll learn:

    • How to identify emotions
    • What makes them different from feelings
    • What the most important emotions are and how to control them
    • What is the key to creating a shift from negative to positive
    • How your mind, body, and thoughts influence your words
    • How to master and control your fears, worries, anger, panic, and anxiety
    • How to change your mood
    • How to understand your anger
    • Why music influences emotions
    • What is emotional intelligence like in real life 
    • And more...

    Emotions are the tools that can be used to either make you stronger or weaker, and it depends on how much control you allow these emotions to have over you. If you let your emotions become the master, then you’ll always be at their mercy.

    ©2020 Edelweiss SP Ltd (P)2020 Edelweiss SP Ltd

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