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  • Master Self Discovery Through the Enneagram

  • Discover the 9 Personality Types to Understand Who You Are, How to Enhance Your Relationships and Reduce Stress and Anxiety Through Mindfulness Living
  • De : Daniel Glanville
  • Lu par : KC Wayman
  • Durée : 1 h et 40 min

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Master Self Discovery Through the Enneagram

De : Daniel Glanville
Lu par : KC Wayman
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    Are you struggling to figure out who you are?

    Do you want to stop feeling stressed, anxious, and stuck in a rut?

    We all experience this at some point in our lives. Some suffer with an overwhelming sense of responsibility or burden themselves with being perfect. Others dwell in anxious feelings that other people's lives seem better than their own or living in constant anxiety about being abandoned or thinking of the worst case scenarios. 

    If you want to know the best way to learn more about yourself and understand your deep rooted insecurities, fears, and roadblocks that cause you stress and anxiety, then this audiobook is for you.

    In Master Self Discovery Through the Enneagram, Daniel Glanville shares the single most powerful tool that can instantly turn your life around. The Enneagram is an ancient personality typing system which offers a unique way to manage and transform yourself by understanding your personality and practicing self-awareness. 

    Here’s what you will learn:

    • Discover the 9 different types of personalities to determine which type you are and how it can influence your personal and professional growth
    • Master the art of mindful living through the Enneagram system
    • Uncover the stress busting tips to significantly reduce your anxiety, depression, and other mental health illnesses
    • How to overcome your deepest challenges and realize your strengths to start taking action now to live a more balanced life
    • The 7 reasons how the Enneagram can transform your life and how you can create more meaningful and successful relationships in your professional and personal life from today
    • Why learning which Enneagram type you are can increase your self-awareness and emotional intelligence
    • Learn the secrets of how to build a mental and emotional immune system that protects you from the ongoing anxiety and stress pandemic

    If you have the burning desire to achieve the above and find out some solutions, then buy this audiobook now.

    ©2021 Daniel Glanville (P)2021 Daniel Glanville

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