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Couverture de Masks of the Miscam

Masks of the Miscam

De : Joaquín Baldwin
Lu par : Magnus Carlssen
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    A stunning sequel that expands an already vast universe.

    Withervale burns.

    After a terrifying encounter with the Red Stag, Lago-Sterjall and the wayfarers venture to Zovaria, but all they find in the Pink Capital is betrayal. Chased by enemies within and without, they take refuge in a land of magical beauty: the Moordusk Dome.

    A mischievous and seductive caracal prince lurks in the domed land of felids, and he has set his eyes on Lago. But Lago's heart beats to the tune of the mountains, yearning for the lover he was forced to leave behind.

    The adventurers embark on a search for one of the missing animal spirits, the wise Mamóru. The ancient mammoth may hold the key to unlock the knowledge of the distant past, the only hope to defeat the growing army of the Negian Empire.

    Like treasure chests waiting to be opened, more domes await, holding within them as many riches as dangers. The wayfarers travel on, in a quest to uncover the very consciousness of nature.

    Noss is waiting for them.

    Masks of the Miscam is the second installment of the Noss Saga, an epic LGBTQ+ fantasy series.

    Narrated by Magnus Carlssen, with music by Iain James Armour.

    ©2024 Joaquín Baldwin (P)2024 Joaquín Baldwin
    • Série : Noss Saga, Volume 2
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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