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Couverture de Maskerade


De : Terry Pratchett
Lu par : Indira Varma, Peter Serafinowicz, Bill Nighy
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    The audiobook of Maskerade is narrated by Indira Varma (Game of Thrones; Luther; This Way Up). BAFTA and Golden Globe award-winning actor Bill Nighy (Love Actually; Pirates of the Caribbean; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) reads the footnotes, and Peter Serafinowicz (Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace; Shaun of the Dead) stars as the voice of Death. Featuring a new theme tune composed by James Hannigan.

    'There's a kind of magic in masks. Masks conceal one face, but they reveal another. The one that only comes out in darkness....'

    The Opera House in Ankh-Morpork is home to music, theatrics and a harmless masked Ghost who lurks behind the scenes. But now a set of mysterious backstage murders may just stop the show.

    Agnes Nitt has left her rural home of Lancre in the hopes of launching a successful singing career in the big city. The only problem is, she doesn't quite look the part. And there are two witches who would much rather she return home to join their coven.

    Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg have travelled to Ankh-Morpork to convince Agnes that life as a witch is much better than one on the stage. Only now they're caught up in a murder mystery featuring masks and maniacal laughter.

    And the show MUST go on....

    Maskerade is the fifth book in the Witches series, but you can listen to the Discworld novels in any order.

    The first book in the Discworld series – The Colour of Magic – was published in 1983. Some elements of the Discworld universe may reflect this.

    ©1995 Terry and Lyn Pratchett (P)2022 Penguin Audio


    "Funny, delightfully inventive, and refuses to lie down in its genre." (Observer)

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    So much fat shaming...

    I love Pratchett, I have multiple versions of every book. But once you notice the fatphobic tone, it creeps up now and then. Usually it's a descriptive device and was probably funny at the time, but unfortunately it takes up so much space here. Not a single reference is made to the main character without mentioning her weight in some way... But the other large characters are similarly described. There's so much stigma : weak, lazy, gluttonous, unattractive... and compared to elephants, boats, celestial bodies so large they have developed their own gravitational field. Most of the book reads like a massive "Yo mama" Joke.

    Yes you do root for Agnes "despite" her girth
    Yes you do want her to be happy "despite" her weight
    Yes you do feel she is talented "despite" her being atrociously F.A.T...

    It's hard not to be grossed out by this.

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