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  • Mary Magdalene Never Wore Blue Eye Shadow

  • How to Trust the Bible When Truth and Tradition Collide
  • De : Amanda Hope Haley
  • Lu par : Lisa Larsen
  • Durée : 7 h et 19 min

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Mary Magdalene Never Wore Blue Eye Shadow

De : Amanda Hope Haley
Lu par : Lisa Larsen
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    Tradition suggests Mary Magdalene was a prostitute and Jesus was born in a barn. But what does the Bible really say? Armed with her theology degree, archaeological experience, and sharp wit, Amanda Hope Haley clears up misconceptions of Bible stories and encourages you to dig into Scripture as it is written rather than accept versions altered by centuries of human interpretations.

    Providing context with native languages, historical facts, literary genres, and relevant anecdotes, Haley demonstrates how Scripture - when read in its original context - is more than a collection of fairy tales or a massive rule book. It's God's revelation of himself to us.

    She teaches you to...

    • Understand how the books of the Bible were written, transmitted, and translated
    • Recognize the differences between genuine Scripture and popular doctrines
    • Boldly seek God in his own words, ask questions of tradition, and find answers in the texts
    • Grow in your understanding of God and appreciation of the Bible's intimate and complex revelation of his nature

    It's time to abandon the gods of tradition, and meet God in his word.

    ©2019 Amanda Hope Haley (P)2019 eChristian

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