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Couverture de Marvelous Maxx and the Stuck-up Popcorn / Merveilleux Maxx et le Popcorn coincé (French-English Bilingual)

Marvelous Maxx and the Stuck-up Popcorn / Merveilleux Maxx et le Popcorn coincé (French-English Bilingual)

De : John Higgins, Catherine Higgins
Lu par : Etienne Beney
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    Are you looking for a fun way to help you teach your child new words? Then you are in the right place! Perfect for preschoolers, kindergarteners, and grade one and two kids! Bonus they learn some first-aid too!

    Cherchez-vous un moyen amusant d'apprendre de nouveaux mots à votre enfant? Alors vous êtes au bon endroit! Ces livres sont parfaits pour les enfants d'âge préscolaire, les maternelles et les enfants qui sont en CE1 et en CE2! En prime, ils apprennent aussi quelques notions de secourisme!

    While Arielle watches a movie, what could go wrong? OMG! A piece of popcorn gets stuck in her throat! Will Arielle be okay? Can Maxx help her?

    Qu’est-ce qui pourrait mal tourner pendant qu'Arielle regarde un film? Oh mon dieu! Un morceau de pop-corn se coince dans sa gorge! Arielle va-t-elle s'en sortir? Maxx peut-il l'aider?

    With all the fun of an amazing adventure, Marvelous Maxx and the Stuck-Up Popcorn is sure to capture the hearts and minds of children and adults alike. You won't just enjoy the story, you will feel a part of it and learn a lot! Listen along in French and English - parallel text - carefully manually translated by native speakers, helping children learn new words and sentences in a familiar and totally fun way.

    Created by a Harvard-trained teacher to educate and inspire, children will love learning awesome new words and powerful first-aid, through the adventures of a group of children - Maxx, Arielle, Ethan, and Lucas - in a colorful journey.

    Each new word is defined in simple language your bilingual child can understand, and listed in a glossary at the end e.g.

    It’s damp and drizzly. Yuk!

    "Damp" is a cool way to say a little wet.

    "Drizzly" means raining lightly.

    Il fait humide et bruineux. Arf!

    "Humide" est une façon de dire un peu mouillé.

    "Bruineux" signifie qu'il pleut légèrement.

    For all those asking "Are there any other Fancy Nancy type books to teach new words and facts"?

    The resounding answer is "yes"!

    Please note: This audiobook is in English and French.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 John P Higgins (P)2022 John P Higgins

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