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Couverture de Marrying Raven

Marrying Raven

De : Melanie D. Snitker
Lu par : Lynn Marie Brunk
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    Raven hates football. Too bad she doesn’t feel the same way about her football-playing ex-fiancée.

    Raven Weber hates football. As if her fiancé breaking off their engagement to follow his NFL dream wasn't bad enough, her football-obsessed family only made things worse. Twelve years later, she pours everything into her job as a physical therapist assistant. Helping others never prepared Raven for the day her ex would hobble back into her life. How can she remain professional when spending time with him only reminds her of what they've lost?

    The day Heath Shaw walked away from his relationship with Raven, he’d been convinced he was doing it for her. Fulfilling his father’s dream gave him the distraction he needed to get over her. Now he’s back in his hometown with weeks of physical therapy ahead of him before he can escape the past. Running into Raven was going to happen eventually, but he didn't expect her to play a vital role in his recovery. If she's got him second guessing why he left in the first place, what effect will she have on his heart?

    Her meddling family thinks this is a second chance, while Heath's father only wants to squelch what he sees as a distraction. Raven and Heath know they should walk away, but what if they're better together than they ever were apart?

    ©2018, 2024 Melanie D. Snitker (P)2024 Melanie D. Snitker

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