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Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love: 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You've Always Wanted

De : Marcia Naomi Berger
Lu par : Almond Eastland
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    Most couples - because they watch so many of their peers divorce and are themselves the products of failed marriages - don't have many successful long-term-relationship role models. Parenting and communication issues are perennial, while some challenges, like increasingly 24-7 work lives and economic hardships, mark the current decade. Despite all this, psychotherapist and clinical social worker Marcia Naomi Berger asserts that most couples can make love last - they just need to learn how.

    Berger answers this need with a deceptively simple prescription: Have an interruption-free 30-minute (or even shorter) meeting each week and follow an agenda that includes the kind of appreciation and planning for fun that foster intimacy, and pave the way for collaborative conflict resolution. Berger has refined these techniques while working with hundreds of couples - with results that are both practical and profound.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2014 Marcia Naomi Berger (P)2021 Marcia Naomi Berger

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