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  • Marnie Midnight and the Great Critter Contest

  • Marnie Midnight, Book 2
  • De : Laura Ellen Anderson
  • Durée : 9 h et 32 min

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Couverture de Marnie Midnight and the Great Critter Contest

Marnie Midnight and the Great Critter Contest

De : Laura Ellen Anderson
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    The second in a magical young fiction series for children aged 7-9 from best-selling author and illustrator, Laura Ellen Anderson!

    Marnie Midnight is a little moth with BIG dreams!

    Marnie is having so much fun at Minibeast Academy, a school for bugs tucked into a giant tree at the bottom of the museum gardens. And this term it's time for something really exciting – the Great Critter Contest!

    The contest sees minibug students set off to explore the school in teams, searching for clues. The winners get an incredible prize and Marnie and her team – best friends Floyd the bee (who is really an A) and Star the super-strong princess ant – are determined to be first to cross the finish line. But when Veronica gets into trouble and needs rescuing, Marnie and her team have to decide whether winning really is the most important thing …

    ©2024 Laura Ellen Anderson (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers

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