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  • Marine Biology for Kids

  • Discovering the Amazing World Under the Sea
  • De : Kayla Andra
  • Lu par : Andrew Heisler
  • Durée : 1 h et 30 min

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Marine Biology for Kids

De : Kayla Andra
Lu par : Andrew Heisler
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    "Marine Biology for Kids: Discovering the Amazing World Under the Sea" is a captivating and informative journey into the depths of the ocean, tailored specifically for young listeners with a thirst for adventure and a curiosity about the natural world. This beautiful book serves as a comprehensive primer to the wonders of marine life, offering a window into a world that is both mysterious and vital to our planet's health. Beginning with the vastness of the ocean itself, the book paints a vivid picture of the aquatic landscape that covers most of our Earth, from sunlit shores to the darkest ocean trenches. It then dives into the incredible diversity of ocean inhabitants, showcasing the simple yet fascinating life forms like plankton, to the more complex and charismatic marine invertebrates.

    Each minute is a discovery, revealing the hidden lives of creatures often out of sight and mind. The journey continues with an exploration of the various fish, skates, rays, and sharks that glide through the salty waters, each adapted perfectly to their environment with features that captivate and educate young minds. The narrative then surfaces to introduce the marine reptiles, mammals, and birds, linking the sea to the sky and highlighting the interconnectedness of all life.

    Beyond the biology and behavior of these sea creatures, "Marine Biology for Kids" delves into the unique habitats that make up the marine ecosystem, from coral reefs to the open ocean, and the delicate ecological balances that sustain them. It doesn't shy away from the pressing issues of human and natural threats to these environments, fostering an early awareness and stewardship in young listeners. The book rounds off with an inspiring call to action, guiding aspiring young marine biologists on how they can start on their path and make a difference in the world of marine conservation.

    ©2023 Kayla Andra (P)2024 Historical Audiobooks
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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