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Couverture de Maps for the Getaway

Maps for the Getaway

De : Annie England Noblin
Lu par : Sarah Naughton
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    If you love Susan Mallery, you won't want to miss this novel of three high school friends who find themselves emotionally fractured when tragedy strikes, so they go on a road trip they'll never forget and rediscover what made them "best friends forever."

    It was the road trip of their lives . . . and they did it without a map.

    When they posed for a photo at their high school graduation, they vowed they'd be friends forever, but teenage promises are so easily broken, and now, thirty years later, they're practically strangers.

    Cici—stuck in a rut, married to a cheating husband.

    Genie—caring for her ailing father but never getting any thanks.

    Kate—everyone knows people who look perfect on Instagram are not.

    And Laurie—the most successful of them all—now tragically gone.

    So, to celebrate Laurie's life, three former friends in a 1962 red Lincoln Continental convertible take the road trip of their lives—encountering male strippers, a boy band that has seen better days, crazy motel rooms, adopting a so-ugly-it's-cute stray dog…and discovering that it's never too late to live the wild life.

    Because, sometimes, to find yourself you have to get away.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2021 Annie England Noblin (P)2021 HarperCollins Publishers

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