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De : Corrie Garrett
Lu par : Sergei Burbank
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Forcibly conscripted into an alien training program as a child, nineteen-year-old Sam Locklear has grown up on an alien planet. Smart and charismatic, he has become one of their favorite cadets, but although he's come to trust a few of the aliens, he isn't blind to their harsh treatment of Earth.

Now he's on his way back to Earth to work in their Los Angeles headquarters, and to find the line between being used... and using them.

When Sam's homecoming speech sets off a string of violence, he realizes his words carry more weight than he realized. First there's a hate message scrawled in blood, then a drive-by attack, and a riot that ends in fire. When Sam's girlfriend is abducted, he'll dare anything to get to the bottom of the intrigue surrounding the cadet program.

From the streets of Los Angeles to a treacherous space station, Sam must uncover the real enemy threatening his life, and just what kind of sanity is requred for the earth's survival.

©2012 Corrie Garrett (P)2013 Corrie Garrett
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