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Couverture de Manifesto: A Revolutionary Approach to General Aviation Maintenance

Manifesto: A Revolutionary Approach to General Aviation Maintenance

De : Mike Busch A&P/IA
Lu par : Michael D. Busch
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    There’s a dirty little secret about aviation maintenance: It often breaks aircraft instead of fixing them.

    Manifesto is the much-anticipated first audiobook from renowned aviation columnist and speaker Mike Busch. Written in typical no-nonsense style, it lays out the basis of Mike's “minimalist” maintenance philosophy for owner-flown general aviation aircraft. An owner who follows the audiobook's guidance can save a small fortune on maintenance costs and end up with a safer, more reliable aircraft.

    Owners are advised to perform the absolute least amount of maintenance required to make their aircraft safe, reliable and legal...and nothing more. The audiobook explains in detail why engine and propeller TBOs and most other manufacturer-prescribed maintenance intervals should be disregarded. And Manifesto explains exactly how to do it.

    About the author:

    Mike Busch is arguably the best-known A&P/IA in general aviation. In 2008, he was honored by the FAA as “National Aviation Maintenance Technician of the Year”. Mike has been a prolific aviation writer for more than four decades. His “Savvy Aviator” columns have appeared in numerous publications including AOPA Pilot (where he writes the monthly "Savvy Maintenance" column), EAA Sport Aviation, AVweb, and magazines for the three largest GA type clubs (ABS, CPA, and COPA). He is renowned for his free monthly maintenance webinars and his standing-room-only forums at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. Mike has been a pilot and aircraft owner for more than 50 years with 8,000+ hours logged, and he is a CFIA/I/ME. He’s founder and CEO of Savvy Aviation, Inc., the world’s largest firm providing maintenance-management services for owner-flown aircraft.

    ©2014 Michael D. Busch (P)2020 Michael D. Busch

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