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Couverture de Manifesting Magic

Manifesting Magic

De : Isabella James
Lu par : Colleen Arnold
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    Do you feel like you're living life or merely "surviving?" Would you like to live a happy and fulfilling life that overflows with money, love, health, and happiness? Do you want to manifest the life of your dreams? Good news, you’ve found the perfect book!

    There’s power in magic. You need to learn the strategies to make your dreams come true.

    Manifestation is a dynamic tool that allows you to explore your mystical powers to influence events, transform your mindset, and give you the life you were destined for. Embark on this magical journey and become the abundant being you were born to be!

    Inside Manifesting Magic, you’ll discover:

    • An introduction to magic and witchcraft, and how to be a manifestation witch
    • Seven witchcraft supplies and tools and how you can use them in magical practice
    • How you can align your energy, raise your vibration, and use sound frequencies to influence the world around you?
    • Practicing self-care, daily meditations, and many more methods to achieve manifestation
    • How to design your own manifestation spells for beginners
    • Herbs, essential oils, and crystals for witches to support manifestation

    Your days of settling into a life you don’t want are over! You’re meant to live a happy life, filled with so much joy and abundance. Anything your heart desires can be yours!

    Are you ready to step into a blessed future? Then listen to Manifesting Magic now and manifest like a w*tch!

    ©2022 Kelly Parr (P)2022 Kelly Parr

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