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Couverture de Making the Matrix Work (2nd Edition)

Making the Matrix Work (2nd Edition)

De : Kevan Hall, Alan Hall
Lu par : Marston York
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    A decade on from its first publication, the book that inspires and enables people to succeed in complex organisations is now updated for Agile working.

    How to work and manage others successfully in matrix organisations operating across regions and functions, with global teams, customers and supply chains.

    Traditional management training prioritizes clarity, predictability and control. In a matrix we need to be able to balance this with the ability to tolerate ambiguity, manage uncertainty and decentralize control. Managers need an expanded toolkit to help them move from the hard to the soft, from the concrete to the ambiguous and back again depending on the situation. Making the Matrix Work helps you develop your matrix mindset and will show you how to establish and engage networks that do not depend on role, control or authority to get things done.

    This 10-year anniversary edition has been extensively revised to cover Agile and digital working, for those working and managing in the fast paced new world of work, with autonomous teams, iterative working and non-hierarchical leadership.

    It will includes new material on alignment and connecting across silos, and on autonomous teams as well as 3 major new chapters on:

    Change and stability



    There are updates to terms and techniques throughout the book to reflect hybrid and post pandemic working considerations and the impact of digital transformation.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Kevan Hall and Alan Hall (P)2023 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

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