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  • Making Bank with Photography: 10 Principles that Changed My Life

  • De : Jon Meadows
  • Lu par : Jon Meadows
  • Durée : 35 min

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Making Bank with Photography: 10 Principles that Changed My Life

De : Jon Meadows
Lu par : Jon Meadows
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    In a world with more and more photographers, where everyone has phones with multiple cameras in them, many photographers who want to make their job what they love find it difficult. It's difficult because of one thing: Unless you're independently wealthy, you have to pay the bills. Doing the creative work of photography full-time requires a business that produces significant revenue.

    I have been blessed and worked hard to make a living out of creating images with the press of the shutter button. I'm proud to be a working professional photographer, and I am happy to share 10 important principles I followed to get here.

    ©2020 Jon Meadows (P)2020 Jon Meadows

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