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  • Make an Offer

  • Break Through Analysis Paralysis & Grab the Confidence You Need to Become a Real Estate Investor
  • De : Jay Helms
  • Lu par : Jay Helms
  • Durée : 2 h et 52 min

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Make an Offer

De : Jay Helms
Lu par : Jay Helms
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    Are you tired of "thinking about" becoming a real estate investor, but never making it happen?

    Maybe you've been sitting on the sidelines, listening to real estate investing podcasts, reading wealth-building blog posts and books, and questioning "why not you"? Or maybe you even participate in online group discussions, but then are pulled back to believing you don't deserve the opportunity to be a real estate investor. Bologna!

    In this little story and action-oriented book, Jay Helms presents the proven path from zero real estate investing experience to buying your first investment property.

    In Make an Offer, you will learn:

    • How to overcome that mental roadblock that is keeping you from closing on your first deal
    • Align skills and experience you already possess to enhance your real estate investing experience
    • The best way to network to expeditiously grow your investing knowledge
    • How to create your personal investing criteria and actionable steps to move on them
    • How to gain the confidence you need to pursue real estate investing

    Make an Offer turns aspiring investors into multiple income stream creators.

    Make an Offer helps you grow your knowledge, wealth, network, income, and confidence so that you can start investing in real estate.

    ©2022 Jay Helms (P)2022 Jay Helms

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