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  • Make Your Life Better

  • Mind Control Strategies to Organize Achievement and Build Impact at the Professional Level
  • De : Jennifer Gutierrez
  • Lu par : Mahfuz Hasan
  • Durée : 3 h et 12 min

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Make Your Life Better

De : Jennifer Gutierrez
Lu par : Mahfuz Hasan
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    You have to make people believe that you provide such variety and adventure if you want to make this transformation. A person has a blind hole in his eyesight and is easily tricked by appearances. Therefore, you need to combine the theoretical strategy with the actual appearance of someone who exudes a powerful sexual aura, or else he will get stuck. He is unable to get enough of you, yet he is also unable to let go of you. Till he drowns, he will follow you. Thus, your main goal should be to become more attractive.

    Keep in mind that males are more interested in your appearance than in your true self. Because reality is hated by men. Men desire an illusion, an escape from reality. What they want is a delusion. They want a dream. If you become that imaginary representation of his dreams and desires, men will just be in your presence. Possess a little bit of innocence what’s so beautiful about this is that it requires a hint of innocence to work. You will be the victim because of your innocence, which will make him appreciate you, stop me from pushing you, and make him feel better about himself.

    Women fear judgment from others when they engage in sexual activity. Therefore, you have to play on your vulnerability and innocence to make it seem that the guy is in charge of you while in reality, you are in charge of the Dynamics. As a result, you're acting as if you need help, as though you're a victim of your surroundings, and you're making it easier for the guy to come get you. You're not even emotionally invested in the relationship, so you're doing it with a smile on your face, knowing that you know what's going on and that you can change the dynamics at any moment. He will be the one seeking you, and you will be the one controlling him. So, how can you express and communicate innocence? Your voice comes first. Talk in a calm, relaxed tone, as if you haven't left your bed. Therefore, you should always be in control of your voice.

    ©2024 Jennifer Gutierrez (P)2024 Jennifer Gutierrez

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