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Couverture de Make You Mine

Make You Mine

De : E.M. Lindsey
Lu par : Zachary Zaba
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    “To love and be loved, it’s all that matters. In the end.”

    Socially awkward Noah Leib knows he wants more from life than being a 40-year-old virgin who’s got a failing bakery, a strained relationship with his brother and sister-in-law, and an empty apartment. He just doesn’t know how to change things. Living in Savannah, trying to keep his head above water, Noah is single-minded and plans to stay that way.

    And then Noah’s favorite Deaf adult film star’s life falls apart in a very public spectacle on Twitter.

    Noah doesn’t expect anything from the ASL message he sends to Adriano Moretti, but when a shadow appears in his bakery doorway one afternoon, he finds Adriano standing there with a small smile on his lips and a hello on his hands. It’s at that moment Noah realizes his life is about to change forever.

    Adriano is a force of nature, and Noah is quickly swept up in his wake.

    But fantasy has never been Noah’s reality, and there can’t be a happily ever after on that horizon.

    Can there?

    Running in Circles is the former series On the Market, and this novel was previously titled Love Him Free. It has been completely revamped and rewritten with names, places, characters, and major plot points changed.

    It contains wild Savannah, GA, summers, a nervous virgin baker, a Deaf adult film star who likes to make people fall apart with the flick of his fingers, long nights, perfect mornings, and a steamy happily ever after.

    ©2023 E.M. Lindsey (P)2023 E.M. Lindsey

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