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Couverture de Make Some Noise

Make Some Noise

De : The Horne Section
Lu par : The Horne Section, Alex Horne
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    Brought to you by Puffin.

    *The funniest band in the world, The Horne Section (fronted by Taskmaster's Alex Horne), tell you everything you need to know to be a music genius - with bizarre tales, absurd history and unbelievable facts.*

    'An explosion of silliness . . the whole family will get something from it' Guardian on The Horne Section TV show

    With FUNNY tales, ABSURD history and UNBELIEVABLE facts, this mind-blowing guide to music can help anyone become a sound-making sensation.

    In this book, you'll find answers to those all-important questions, such as:

    - Why is cabbage the key to musical genius?
    - Which is the fartiest of all the instruments?
    - Which song has the FUNNIEST lyrics of all time?

    Band leader Alex Horne has also added some special tasks throughout the book, so listeners will be making their own music in no time at all - without even leaving the house!

    ©2024 The Horne Section (P)2024 Penguin Audio
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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