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Couverture de Make My Bed in Hell

Make My Bed in Hell

De : John Sanford
Lu par : Shawn Compton
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    Aaron Platt has spent every day of his life breaking his back to scrape a living from the rocky, played-out fields of the Adirondack farm he inherited from his sadistic father. One winter morning, he follows footprints in the snow to his barn and discovers a man freezing to death in a horse stall. What unfolds between the two men, past and present, is a brisk, gritty depiction of crime and punishment. But their harrowing story is more than that, exposing the shocking hypocrisy of the people who live in the nearby bucolic town—a legacy of hatred that reaches back to the violent founding of the nation.

    This literary masterpiece includes a new Afterword by Jack Mearns, author of John Sanford: An Annotated Bibliography.

    ©1939, 2021 John Sanford (P)2022 Tantor

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