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  • Make Money, Not Excuses

  • Wake Up, Take Charge, and Overcome Your Financial Fears Forever
  • De : Jean Chatzky
  • Lu par : Jean Chatzky
  • Durée : 4 h et 40 min

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Make Money, Not Excuses

De : Jean Chatzky
Lu par : Jean Chatzky
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    Are you ready to be rich? If you want to get rich, if you want to be wealthier than you are today, you really need to do only four things. That's right, just four things:

    • You need to make a decent living;
    • You need to spend less than you make;
    • You need to invest the money you don't spend so that it can work as hard for you as you're working for yourself; and
    • You need to protect yourself and this financial world you've built so that a disaster, big or small, doesn't take it all away from you.

    Everything else is just window-dressing - the fees and how to avoid them, the advisors and how to hire them, the deals, the scams, the ins, the outs. They are all interesting. Some of them are even quite important. But until you have conquered the heart of the matter, they are all minutia.

    The four cornerstones, by contrast, are the meat and potatoes of your financial life. If you do those things today, you'll start getting rich tomorrow. And once you feel set financially, you'll be able to start focusing on the truly important things in life.

    ©2006 Jean Chatzky (P)2006 Random House, Inc.


     “Simply brilliant.” (Robert T. Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad)

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