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Couverture de Make Love Your Aim

Make Love Your Aim

De : Eugenia Price
Lu par : Nan McNamara
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    Freedom and love are two sides of the same coin. We can only understand them enough to practice them if we know the way God defines them. How does he do this? Through Jesus Christ, the final yet continuing revelation of God’s true intentions toward all of us. Those who are familiar with Eugenia Price’s books will recognize this as a recurring theme. Make Love Your Aim develops it with imagination and versatility: “Jesus said, ‘If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.’ But He was offering to wave no magic wand over our heads so that we could do as we pleased. He also said, ‘This is my commandment, That you love one another as I have loved you.’ His is the love of the Cross, without self-defense, without self-pity - and totally free.”

    Miss Price’s style is maturing noticeable in vigor, accuracy, and objectivity. Here is a bold thinker who can write, a committed Christian who can light up experiences common to us all in a language literate and understandable. As her listeners have come to expect, she does not hesitate to share a viewpoint that has rejected the hot-house conditioning and automatic answers that produce impotent disciples. Rather, she invites us to take a bold look at the pretensions that have been substituted for reality, the doctrinal escapes too long preferred to God himself. And there is more. There is an underlying reverence, a compassion that springs from a most personal attention to the very subject: love - Christ’s kind of love!

    ©1967 Eugenia Price (P)2021 Dreamscape Media, LLC

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