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Couverture de Majoring in Love

Majoring in Love

De : CA Miconi
Lu par : Oliver Highpoint, Sydney Zaylin
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    Two very different worlds collide in 1975 at an urban university in the south. These two students are opposites in every way, with one thing in common: an intense attraction.

    Chicago-born Linda is ready to leave the Black Belt behind, entering the newly-integrated University of Georgia to pursue her dream of becoming an attorney. When she has a chance encounter with a handsome fraternity guy on the campus quad, she can’t help but be drawn into his sea-blue eyes.

    College sophomore Sandy is one of the big men on campus. Although he could have his choice of blonde sorority girls, he can’t help but notice the new girl, feeling an instant connection with the quiet and curvy student from up north.

    Can these two opposites defy society’s expectations and prove that love is determined not by the color of one’s skin, but by the connection of two hearts?

    Majoring in Love is a coming-of-age interracial love story and is a prequel to Be One with Me, the second book in the Be With Me contemporary romance series. This short story will answer the question many have asked: who are Sally’s parents?

    ©2022 CA Miconi (P)2022 CA Miconi

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