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Couverture de Main Character Energy

Main Character Energy

De : Jamie Varon
Lu par : Tara Sands
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    “Poppy is bright and complicated and utterly enchanting in Jamie Varon’s debut.”
    —Ashley Poston, New York Times Bestselling Author of The Dead Romantics

    Poppy Banks would rather be writing mysteries than writing listicles for her dead-end job at Thought Buzz. But after a series of rejections, she’s ready to accept life on the sidelines as a plus-size woman. Her aunt Margot is the one person unwilling to give up on her niece’s dreams and tells her so at their secret yearly lunches.

    But all of Poppy’s beliefs about herself are challenged when her beloved aunt dies and leaves her niece a grand surprise—a trip to her villa in the French Riviera. There, she learns her aunt intends to leave her stunning villa and secretive writer's residency to Poppy—if she can finish her novel in six months.

    When the writing countdown begins, Poppy realizes she has more to confront than her writer’s block. Family drama, complicated romances and self-doubt all threaten to throw her off course. In this fun and heartwarming debut, Poppy must decide if she can live up to her aunt’s—and her own—desire to be the main character in her own life.

    ©2023 Jamie Varon (P)2023 Harlequin Enterprises, Limited


    "Tara Sands deftly narrates this heartwarming debut novel.... Sands does an outstanding job of giving distinctive voices to all the characters.... Sands also hits all the right notes of Poppy's emotions as she mobilizes her confidence in her writing and her life." (AudioFile)

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