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Couverture de Maid to Conquer: The Complete LitRPG Adventure

Maid to Conquer: The Complete LitRPG Adventure

De : Wolfe Locke, Jordan Mays
Lu par : Kristiana Rice
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    The "Maid to Conquer" Series - The Collected 'Quiet Quitting Rebellion'

    Intended For A Younger Audience

    Welcome to a realm where the nobility lounges and servants toil, but where one maid, Elara, disrupts the status quo. If you're a fan of adventure, office humor, and fantasy, you'll feel right at home in this series. Starting with 'Maid to Order,' Elara stumbles upon a rare Class Orb and transforms into a [Battle Maid-Seamstress], kicking off her journey from humble castle cleaner to unexpected revolutionary.

    Book 1: 'Maid to Order'

    Experience Elara's awkward first steps into her newfound powers. She soon learns that leading a rebellion is much more complicated than scrubbing the castle's bathrooms—and it doesn't come with a resignation option.

    Book 2: 'Maid to Battle'

    Dive deeper into the thick of conflict, comedy and action as Elara learns to wield both her weaponized broom and her sharp wit. Get ready for a cleaning spree unlike any other.

    Book 3: 'Maid to Rule'

    In the final installment, Elara faces her most daunting task yet: mopping up the remnants of corruption and sewing the fabric of a new society together. Can she sweep away the old regime and stitch together a new dawn for her realm?

    So if you're looking for something different that combines comedy and a fantasy revolution, step into the adventure—the "Maid to Conquer" series is waiting for you.

    For Fans of: Slice of Life, Quirky Cast, Parody, Class Warfare, Found Family, Unlikely Hero, Comedy of Errors, Magical Transformation, Out-Of-Context Adventures

    ©2024 Jordan Mays (P)2024 Wolfe Locke

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