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Couverture de Mahlistaff


De : S.K. Ballinger
Lu par : Brett Noris
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    In a world teetering on the brink of an inevitable war, Mahlistaff emerges as a mysterious figure driven by a unique set of intentions. His primary objective in this tumultuous time is to seek out and locate the enigmatic and purportedly powerful Drakulis named Sirtimi. Mahlistaff firmly believes that Sirtimi holds the key to altering the course of the impending conflict.

    As Mahlistaff embarks on his journey, he encounters various individuals, each with their own significance in the unfolding narrative. One such encounter is with Gravakus, a character whose role and impact on the events to come are yet to be unveiled. Additionally, Mahlistaff crosses paths with the twin boys, Dimitris and Siluk, both of whom play a crucial role in the unfolding destiny that awaits them.

    What sets Mahlistaff apart is his ability to glimpse into the future, granting him insight into the individuals who will shape the course of events. Armed with this foreknowledge, he strategically reaches out to those he has seen in this future tense, weaving a complex web of alliances and connections to further his objectives.

    However, amidst the chaos of impending war and the strategic alliances Mahlistaff forges, an unexpected twist awaits him. Along his journey, he encounters a woman who defies his expectations. In an unforeseen turn of events, Mahlistaff finds himself entangled in a profound connection with this mysterious woman, ultimately leading to a claim that she is to become his wife.

    The unfolding narrative becomes a tapestry of intrigue, as Mahlistaff navigates the intricacies of political machinations, alliances, and personal connections. The quest for Sirtimi and the impending war serve as the backdrop against which the complex dynamics of relationships and unforeseen alliances are played out. As Mahlistaff's intentions to prolong the inevitable war take shape, the evolving story promises a blend of mystique, suspense, and unexpected emotional entanglements.

    ©2021 S.K. Ballinger (P)2024 Shannon Ballinger

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