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Couverture de Magnolia Court

Magnolia Court

De : J. L. Hyde
Lu par : Alena S Chesney
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    How well do you really know your neighbors?

    Ruby Windsor is putting the pieces of her life back together after a horrible decision in her teenage years results in a lengthy prison sentence. Newly freed and without any family to support her, Ruby does her best to hold down a job and keep her head above water. Just when it seems that hope for a normal life is dwindling, she is contacted by her estranged grandmother, Rosie.

    Rosie lives on Magnolia Court, a cul-de-sac in the most exclusive gated community in Door County, Wisconsin. She's in an assisted living facility after an incident at home and needs someone to watch over her house and handle her affairs while she's gone. Estranged or not, Ruby is the only family she has left.

    Shortly after arriving at her grandmother's beautiful home, she realizes that the wealthy have just as many secrets as everyone else—they just bury them a little deeper. How long will it take for Ruby to discover what's being hidden by the residents of Magnolia Court, and will she live to tell anyone what she's found?

    This irresistible thriller from the author of Delta County will have you questioning everything.

    ©2023 Jamie L. Hyde (P)2023 Jamie L. Hyde

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