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Couverture de Magical Relationships

Magical Relationships

De : Ariel and Shya Kane
Lu par : Ariel and Shya Kane
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    Since their first date in 1982 and subsequent marriage in 1984, Ariel and Shya have discovered that there are fundamental elements for finding a relationship, and keeping it alive, exciting, and new. At this special event, taped live in New York City, the Kanes discuss the essence of magical relationships. By listening to this audio, you will learn the keys that are of vital importance for getting 'em, having 'em, and keeping 'em.

    Whether you are searching for that special someone or already have found the person of your dreams, these audios will reveal how to have truly magical relationships.

    Being in the Moment series: If you are looking to dramatically expand your experience of well-being and wish to live an exciting, fun, and extraordinary life, this series of audios is for you!

    ©1998 ASK Productions, Inc. (P)1998 ASK Productions, Inc.

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