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Couverture de Magic in the Moonlight

Magic in the Moonlight

De : Auryn Hadley
Lu par : Aiden Snow, Aaron Shedlock, Katana Jones
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    Sugar, spice, and everything nice; that's what witches' spells should be made of...

    Running to Summerpoint to avoid my failed love life may have seemed drastic, but I'd just inherited a house from a distant relative. The timing was perfect, almost like magic. But the cottage is in need of repairs, the place is in the middle of a forest, and I'm not used to small towns.

    Then I meet my new contractors. Sexy doesn't begin to describe them. The flirting flows easily, and while they're a well-established couple, it seems they may have room for more. Even better, these guys are quickly getting to be a lot more than just friends.

    There has to be a catch, and it doesn't take long to figure out what's really wrong with this idyllic little town. It's the founding families. They're the descendants of the people who started this place centuries ago, and it seems they believe in monsters, magic, and the superiority of witches.

    Yes, witches—and not the nice kind. Now, I'm in their sights, along with my men, and we don't have the power to stop them! Is there any way out of this, or will this coven's greed destroy us all?

    Magic in the Moonlight is the engrossing first book in the Where The Wild Things Grow series, set in the larger Moonlight Universe. For mature listeners.

    ©2022 Auryn Hadley (P)2024 Podium Audio

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