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Couverture de Magic Gone Wild

Magic Gone Wild

De : Kim Richardson
Lu par : Devon Sorvari
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    My big day is finally here. Marcus and I are getting married—or so I thought.

    Unfortunately, disaster stands in the way of my happily ever after, and it comes in the form of a god—a narcissistic one, no less. Of course, it does.

    The problem? This god wants me dead.

    So how does a witch plan a wedding when a mysterious god wants to rip off her head?

    Very carefully.

    But I’ve got worse problems.

    I can handle the unwelcome attention of a god but not when my family is involved. Things turn from bad to ridiculously bad when my aunts go missing. Again, the evidence points to the same vicious god.

    But when I turn to the only other goddess I know for help, Lilith is nowhere to be found.

    And time is running out.

    Magic Gone Wild is perfect for fans of paranormal romance books, urban fantasy, slow-burn romance, and humor. Get ready for this heart-pounding and laugh-out-loud magical adventure!

    ©2023 Kim Richardson (P)2023 Kim Richardson

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