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Couverture de Magic Brownies

Magic Brownies

De : Josephine Beintema
Lu par : Josephine Beintema
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    Ivy is blowing through her inheritance like it’s play money. The bills are piling up from all the repairs the Happy Camper Resort needs to make the place habitable for new campers. When Ivy is offered a chance to make extra money with a coveted spot at the farmer's market to sell her baked goods and jumpstart her catering career, she grabs it!

    What started out as a chance to raise cash is quickly becoming a nightmare. The jealous town baker calls in the health unit to inspect Ivy’s kitchen in an attempt to get rid of the competition. Someone messed with her grocery order. To top it all off, Ivy followed her grandmother’s brownie recipe, complete with secret ingredient, only to find out that she’s accidently drugged half the police force, several prominent tourists, and the mayor!

    From DIY adventures gone wrong to a little sabotage, can Ivy get it together, or will it all prove too much when the baker of Tasty Treats Bakery ends up dead with one of her magic brownies in his hand?

    ©2020 Josephine Beintema (P)2023 Josephine Beintema

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