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Couverture de Madonna in a Fur Coat

Madonna in a Fur Coat

De : Sabahattin Ali, Maureen Freely - translator, Alexander Dawe - translator, David Selim Sayers
Lu par : Philip Arditti
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    Brought to you by Penguin. 

    This Penguin Classic is performed by Philip Arditti, best known for The Danish Girl and Game of Thrones. This definitive recording includes an introduction by David Selim Sayers.

    'It is, perhaps, easier to dismiss a man whose face gives no indication of an inner life. And what a pity that is: a dash of curiosity is all it takes to stumble upon treasures we never expected.'

    A shy young man leaves his home in rural Turkey to learn a trade in 1920s Berlin. The city's crowded streets, thriving arts scene, passionate politics and seedy cabarets provide the backdrop for a chance meeting with a woman, which will haunt him for the rest of his life. Emotionally powerful, intensely atmospheric and touchingly profound, Madonna in a Fur Coat is an unforgettable novel about new beginnings and the unfathomable nature of the human soul.

    ©2016 Sabahattin Ali (P)2021 Penguin Audio


    "A has the kind of indefinably powerful impact of The Great Gatsby." (Observer)

    "A miniature masterpiece." (The National)

    "A gorgeously melancholic romance." (Irish Times)

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