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Couverture de Madison


De : A. V. Smith
Lu par : Graciela Patino
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    A.V. Smith brings you the first book in the best-selling series.

    While in college, Madison befriends a second-generation Colombian who gets bullied until she steps in. Madison receives more than a simple warm welcome when her new friend takes her to visit Colombia for his family’s gratitude. Unbeknownst to Madison, a familial bond is illuminated that changes her future.

    Love dares to awaken Madison’s soul; however, with the darkness that surrounded her teenage years, she has constructed walls of protection. As passionate, erotic themes and emotional conflict shift her vision of the world, she is forced to face the event that paralyzed her father and sent her parents to prison. The murder of a family of three combined with a harassing phone call at work puts Madison on a collision course with the man who had her friend’s father assassinated, and who tainted the narcotics found in her father’s possession the night her life was forever changed.

    Madison is a woman with a tumultuous past struggling to escape her demons, all the while blindsided by love at a poetry event. Longing to feel normal, Madison attempts to balance her desire for justice with her need for swift, deadly punishment. With the help of her grandmother and sister-friends, she discovers who she really is as well as the courage to let love in.

    ©2019 Andre V Smith (P)2021 Andre V Smith

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