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Couverture de Made in India: 75 Years of Business and Enterprise

Made in India: 75 Years of Business and Enterprise

De : Amitabh Kant
Lu par : Uplaksh Kochhar
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    Seventy-five years after India attained freedom at the stroke of the midnight hour, the Indian economy has emerged as one of the largest in the world, with a vibrant start-up ecosystem. It has certainly come a long way since the time economic performance, shackled by socialist policies and the License-Permit-Quota Raj, was christened the ‘Hindu rate of growth’. In an attempt to understand this remarkably robust and resilient growth story of Indian business and enterprise, Amitabh Kant offers a multi-faceted survey of the nation’s business heritage and culture in Made in India.

    This is a groundbreaking account of the development of Indian business and enterprise from the colonial period to the present. It not only introduces listeners to formative business leaders (including Jamsetji Tata, Ghanshyam Das Birla and Walchand Hirachand Doshi) and leading firms (Wadia Group, Kirloskar Brothers Limited and Shapoorji Pallonji) but also analyses their presence in the country’s economy, their growth over time and their true impact on society.

    Made in India comes to life with inspiring stories of entrepreneurs like Sunil Bharti Mittal and Rahul Bhatia, who have navigated many ups and downs on the road to building successful enterprises.

    ©2023 Amitabh Kant (P)2024 Audible, Inc.

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