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Couverture de Mad Girl

Mad Girl

De : Bryony Gordon
Lu par : Bryony Gordon
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    Bryony Gordon has OCD.

    It's the snake in her brain that has told her ever since she was a teenager that her world is about to come crashing down: that her family might die if she doesn't repeat a phrase five times, or that she might have murdered someone and forgotten about it. It's caused alopecia, bulimia, and drug dependency. And Bryony is sick of it. Keeping silent about her illness has given it a cachet it simply does not deserve, so here she shares her story with trademark wit and dazzling honesty.

    A hugely successful columnist for the Telegraph, a best-selling author, and a happily married mother of an adorable daughter, Bryony has managed to laugh and live well while simultaneously grappling with her illness. Now it's time for her to speak out. Writing with her characteristic warmth and dark humour, Bryony explores her relationship with her OCD and depression as only she can.

    Mad Girl is a shocking, funny, unpredictable, heart-wrenching, raw and jaw-droppingly truthful celebration of life with mental illness.

    ©2016 Bryony Gordon (P)2016 Headline Digital


    "What a book! I read this like a thriller, I was so gripped. I feel comforted by this book; by the honesty, insight, compassion, and the beautiful writing. Mad Girl is going to be seismic." (Marian Keyes)
    "I loved it. A brilliant fast and funny and frank look at something that absolutely needs to be talked about in this way." (Matt Haig)
    "Funny, warm and fearlessly honest. This book is a must for anyone who's ever lost their mind but was too polite to mention it." (Sali Hughes)
    "A powerful and intimate look at the way our minds can torment us, this honest and rather beautiful book will bring comfort to those who fear they are alone in their madness." (Cathy Rentzenbrink)

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