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De : Christopher Monaghan
Lu par : Jonathan David Mellor
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He was a US Army general who was also the only ever Field Marshal of the Philippine Army, and this symbolizes MacArthur’s visionary belief that Asia would dominate the future of the world.

How did he turn initial disasters in the Pacific War against Japan to a famous comeback that would make him a national hero? How did his occupation of Japan help transform the ancient nation into a modern peaceful rich society? Why did he spare Emperor Hirohito from near-certain trial for war crimes?

And how did this beloved public figure come to be fired by President Truman at the height of another Asian war, this time in Korea?

Our fascinating audiobook answers these, and many other, questions. We present History’s Verdict on the complex life and the complicated personality of Douglas MacArthur.

©2021 Pacific Media, S.L. (P)2021 Pacific Media, S.L.
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