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Couverture de MAN*ifesting


De : Jaime Bronstein LCSW
Lu par : Brittany Pressley
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    MAN*ifesting will take you on a journey from single to soulmate, teaching you how to trust your intuition, show up authentically, and discover the missing piece between you and the love you deserve.

    Do you feel you're doing everything you can but wonder why you haven't found The One yet? Are you tired of being single? Are you ready to get unstuck, step into your power, and shed the residue of your past?

    If so, Jaime Bronstein, LCSW, named "The Number One Relationship Coach Transforming Lives" by Yahoo Finance, is here to show you that you're not alone; you can and will find the right love for you. MAN*ifesting will guide you on a journey from dating to destiny by teaching you exactly how to attract your soulmate.

    With over twenty years of experience, Jaime uses case examples from her work as a licensed psychotherapist and relationship coach and shares examples from her journey along the relationship road. Jaime has helped thousands of clients remove their blocks and receive the life and love they desire. In this book, she reveals the proven practices and psychological and spiritual tools that will lead you to your authentic self and the love of your life. You will learn, experientially, the intricacies and nuances of manifesting that have been lost in translation…until now.

    MAN*ifesting will teach you how to:

    - Reveal the missing piece to manifesting the love you deserve—not just any man, but the right man for you.

    - Discover the fear-based dating personas that have held you back—and how to release them. Have you been the chameleon? The repeater? The faultfinder? A combination? These are just a few ways you could be preventing yourself from love.

    - Connect with and strengthen your intuition—your inner compass—finally trusting yourself so you can start living a life free of regret and bad decisions.

    - Uncover your inner resources to shift your lens of perception, dissolve misbeliefs about yourself, and reclaim your authentic self—the self you were born as before life and challenging relationships got in the way.

    By the end of this book, there will be no doubt in your mind that your soulmate exists; it will just be a matter of time until you meet him.

    ©2023 Jaime Bronstein, LCSW (P)2023 Podium Audio

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