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Couverture de Lupe


De : Sophie Kensington
Lu par : Sophie Kensington
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    Dive into the thrilling world of "Lupe: Legacy of the Explorer," a captivating adventure that speaks to the heart of every young explorer. Ideal for listeners aged 8 to 12, this enchanting tale embarks on a journey of courage, discovery, and the undying spirit of curiosity.

    Meet Lupe Martinez, an eleven-year-old girl with dreams as vast as the skies and a deep yearning to uncover the world’s mysteries. Her life in the tranquil town of Sierra Vista transforms dramatically when she discovers an ancient map and a journal in her grandmother's attic, leading her on an epic quest to find the fabled City of Gold, El Dorado.

    Lupe's extraordinary journey is more than a mere search for a lost city; it's an expedition of personal growth. Traversing the challenging terrains of Mexico and the awe-inspiring Andes, Lupe confronts challenges that test her wit and bravery. She delves into enigmatic ruins, engages with diverse cultures, and uncovers the true essence of friendship and valor.

    This novel is a voyage of the heart and mind, where Lupe learns that the greatest treasures are not material but lie in the lessons of the past, the beauty of the natural world, and the bonds we form with others.

    Perfect for middle-grade listeners, "Lupe: Legacy of the Explorer" is an inspiring narrative that encourages young minds to dream big, embrace their inner strength, and embark on their own journeys of discovery. This book is not just a tale of adventure; it's a beacon for young girls and boys to realize their potential and explore the vastness of their imagination. Join Lupe on her quest and find the El Dorado within your heart!

    Ideal for parents looking to inspire their daughters with a story of a young, strong, and intelligent female protagonist, "Lupe: Legacy of the Explorer" encourages girls to dream big, push boundaries, and embrace their own adventurous spirit. This book is a reminder that adventure awaits, sometimes where one least expects it.

    ©2024 Sophie Kensington (P)2024 Sophie Kensington
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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