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Couverture de Luna's Mate

Luna's Mate

De : Mya Rusch
Lu par : Dahlia Dark
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    I never expected my life to change so suddenly. I never expected to meet the man of my dreams. I never expected any of it.

    Chase Terrance has always been a good human; kept her nose clean, went to work and went home. She's never believed in the supernatural or out-of-the-ordinary things. That is, until something marks her apartment door.

    As scary as it may be, she still refuses to believe supernatural things are at work here. It's only after a physic tells her what her dreams are about that she starts to believe, because hey, she's never told a soul about what her dreams are about, things start to happen, and Chase is pulled into a supernatural world she never thought existed.

    Christian Coreback never thought he'd see the girl of his dreams again; only right now, he wish she hadn't come back. Shit's about to hit the fan, and she's the main target; Chris needs to figure a way to protect her and his pack, before the threat takes all of them.

    ©2023 Mya Rusch (P)2023 Mya Rusch

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