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Couverture de Lunar


De : Chris Bradford, Charlotte Grange - illustrator
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    Stranded and alone on the moon, Luna is running out of time … Bestselling author Chris Bradford crafts The Martian for teens in this gripping outer-space survival story.

    Luna loves living on the moon. She enjoys helping her father – a Moon Miner – on his search for precious minerals and rocks.

    But when a devastating meteor strike destroys their base, Luna is left stranded alone on the moon. With no shelter and few supplies, she must find a way to survive.

    The problem is – any hope of rescue is at least 3 days and 400,000 kilometres away … and her oxygen is fast running out!

    ©2024 Chris Bradford (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers


    "Chris Bradford reads like a twenty-first century Jules Verne with his heart-stopping moon-based thriller." – Tom Palmer

    “Star-struck young readers will be over the moon when they get their hands on this heart-thumping, outer-space adventure … threaded through with fascinating facts about the moon and space travel.” – Lancashire Post

    “A fast-paced space survival thriller … delivering all the elements of the best disaster stories." – Just Imagine

    “A cracking twenty-first century sci-fi adventure … Fast-paced, engaging and wholly believable, readers are in for an absolute treat in this high-stakes, high-drama, high-tension read. Adrenaline charged from first page to last, short, exciting chapters ensure there’s no time to pause for breath and Charlotte Grange’s artwork vividly brings Luna’s peril and plight to life.” – A Word About Books, blog

    “Overflowing with high-stakes peril and edge-of-your-seat drama" – Scope for Imagination, blog

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