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Couverture de Lullaby Beach

Lullaby Beach

De : Stella Duffy
Lu par : Antonia Beamish
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    No more days, no more times, no more tides. No more secrets.

    A compelling novel about family secrets and the legacy of trauma, set against the changing fortunes of an English seaside town, from award-winning writer Stella Duffy.

    When Lucy discovers the body of her great aunt Kitty, with a puzzling note and empty pill bottles by her bed, she can't believe that the formidable woman who held her family together is gone - or understand why she has taken her own life.

    Lucy is determined to decipher Kitty's final message. What she finds will overturn everything she thought she knew about her family.

    Lullaby Beach takes the listener on a journey through three generations of a complicated, close-knit clan whose joys and misfortunes track many of the most pressing conflicts and concerns of post-war Britain, from the promise and hypocrisies of 1950s London to the political divides and risky freedoms of the present day.

    ©2021 Stella Duffy (P)2021 Hachette Audio UK


    "Duffy is a fearless writer.... A portrait of sisterhood in the wider sense - one that's as powerful and gritty as it is wise and celebratory." (Daily Mail)

    "Lullaby Beach explores familial legacy, generational secrets and the effects of long-lasting trauma with a distinct tenderness." (New Statesman)

    "A writer who never lets you down." (Ali Smith)

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