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Couverture de Loving the Odds

Loving the Odds

De : Stefanie London
Lu par : Brie Jackman
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    Bad boy PR guru Lance Fulton is all about helping the gorgeous, quirky risk analyst Bailey Reuben. She's in desperate need of some fun, and pretending to be her new boyfriend is the perfect way to make her see how sexy she is, help her out of a bind, and show her jerk of an ex what he's missing.

    Bailey might be in Las Vegas, but the last thing on her mind is sin. She's there to find her thieving ex and get her grandfather's watch back. Instead, she finds a smoking hot stranger. A stranger with a crazy plan to help her retrieve her family heirloom and get revenge. It's a bad idea—she calculates risks for a living, after all—but she can't say no. But the more they get to know each other—and the hotter their attraction burns—the higher the probability one of them will end up with a broken heart . . .

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2016 Stefanie London (P)2022 Tantor

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