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Couverture de Lovewrecked


De : Karina Halle
Lu par : Rupert Channing, Samantha Summers
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    Daisy Lewis is experiencing a relentless string of bad luck.

    Fortunately, Daisy has her sister's destination wedding coming up. A week of sand, sea, and sun in the South Pacific as the maid-of-honor is exactly what Daisy needs to forget her upturned life and focus on the positive. That is, until Daisy meets the best man.

    If you take tall, dark, and handsome, and add a dash of rugged, a pinch of brooding, and a whole lot of sexy, you've got Tai Wakefield. Unfortunately he's also a major grump, total alpha, and seemingly out to antagonize Daisy at every turn.

    As if being part of the wedding party with Tai wasn't bad enough, Daisy's bad luck soon resurfaces when she ends up on a cramped sailboat with Tai and the newlyweds. Which then shipwrecks on a deserted island near Fiji.

    With rescue weeks away, Tai and Daisy realize the only way they're going to get through this mess is to start working together. And with their guards down, they get closer. A lot closer.

    Soon, Daisy realizes that the only thing worse than being stuck on a deserted island is being stuck on a deserted island with a man she hates to love and loves to hate. A man that can break her heart.

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2020 Karina Halle (P)2020 Tantor

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