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Couverture de Love of a Highlander

Love of a Highlander

De : Katy Baker
Lu par : Antony Ferguson
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    Maya Charles trusts no one.

    Having been abandoned by her parents as a child, it's a lesson she's learned the hard way. Now, having graduated from art college saddled with debt, she's struggling to make ends meet. When a strange old woman gives her a cryptic message offering help, she scoffs at the idea: other people can't be trusted, right? But when a sixteenth century warrior appears out of nowhere to save her life, she might just be forced to challenge that assumption.

    Lachie MacFarlane is sick of his life. As the laird's nephew his duty is clear: the clan comes before all else—including Lachie's happiness. Facing the prospect of an arranged marriage with a woman he doesn't love, Lachie wants out. So when a strange old woman gives him the opportunity to travel to the future to aid someone in trouble, he jumps at the chance. Little does he know that decision will send them both hurtling back in time—and right into danger.

    Thrown together in a world of peril and intrigue can Maya and Lachie find a way home? And more importantly, can they learn to trust each other?

    Contains mature themes.

    ©2017 Katy Baker (P)2024 Tantor

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