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Couverture de Love at First Sight

Love at First Sight

De : Jessica Gilmore
Lu par : Kristin Atherton
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    'A lovely warm escapist read' KATE EBERLEN

    She's in love. Just with the wrong man...

    Nora is done with dating, but still dreams of finding the one. So when a handsome stranger comes to her rescue one night and vanishes leaving only a business card, it's like a scene out of a movie...

    It doesn't take long for the two to 'bump' into each other again, and Nora falls for the perfect-on-paper Gabe. Only a few weeks later, he invites her to Sicily, and she cannot believe her luck!

    Until Gabe is forced away for work, leaving her alone with his big and warm family in gorgeous Sicily who welcome her with open arms. Everyone but Luca, his older and distrustful brother, who is always around.

    Soon Nora finds herself on a dreamy, romantic getaway—just with the wrong brother...

    ©2024 Jessica Gilmore (P)2024 Orion Publishing Group Limited
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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