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Love and Life

De : Ziri Dafranchi
Lu par : Matt Church
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    A beautiful collection of easily-relatable and heart-warming poems exploring the true meaning of love and life, and the relationship between the two. Get ready for a remarkable voyage.

    Have you ever wondered what life would be like without love? Life is a priceless gift deliberately crafted and packaged for our enjoyment, but it is not a bed of roses. It is a mixture of the good, bad and ugly-including pains and gains, sadness and joy, despair and hope, failures and successes- and it ends in death. Death reminds us we must make the most of this gift before it expires. How can we do this? Love and life are inseparable, dependent and complementary; love powers life while life makes love visible. This beautiful relationship is broken when both are misused or abused, usually due to a flawed understanding of what each truly is. What is love and what is life?

    Love And Life: Poems About You And Me is a beautiful collection of easily-relatable and heart-warming poems arranged into two thematic parts exploring love and life. The poems speak personally to you and take you on a voyage that could leave you questioning some of the things you thought you knew about love and life. In the end you would realise: "After all have been said and done, after life has been lived and spent and, when we finally bid the world goodbye, only one thing will matter...the love we shared." Ziri Dafranchi who has written some award-winning poetry, reveals why he is admired in local poetry communities as he deploys literary techniques in combination with his unique style in this well curated collection which is suitable for all listeners.

    ©2024 Hereditas Press Limited (P)2024 Hereditas Press Limited

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